Emotional Intelligence (Chapter 1 of "Search Inside Yourself" by Chade-Meng Tan

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7 September 2018

  1. What learnings did you take from the chapter?
  2. On reading the chapter, I learned that emotional competency is just as, if not more important, than intellectual competency when it comes to success. I also learned that it is possible to train the brain to become more emotionally intelligent by teaching it to understand and regulate emotions as they come up. Mindfulness meditation is a way of learning to control attention which is the first step to controlling emotional intelligence. A beginner's step to start practicing mindfulness meditation is to spend two minutes each evening "just being". There are 2 ways to do it - focussing on your breath for the 2 minutes, or just sitting without agenda.

  3. How did you find the two minutes of mindfulness?
  4. I have been practicing 5 minutes of meditation each night for the past 2 nights using the Headspace app. The first night I found it very easy, however the second night it was a little harder to focus on being in the moment. I enjoy tkaing the time for myself and the feeling of calm afterwards.