I was getting an error message every time I tried to do anything with git.
The problem solving techniques I used were to first google the error message, then I tried a few things, then I asked my peers for help. Then I googled some more, tried a few more things, and finally figured it out!
Throughout the process I felt OK as I knew that I had plenty of time to resolve the issue as I had finished my task before schedule and knew there was going to be a way to resolve it eventually, even if I had to ask the teachers.
I learnt more about the way that git works and that mistakes lead to a deeper knowledge of something.
I had to make a counter which counted how many blue dots, how many green dots, and how many invisible dots there were, as the dots were changed.
The problem solving technique I used was I kept referring back to the resource materials, trying something new, referring back to the resource materials, trying something new, etc. Each time I could feel myself getting closer, though knew instinctively that I hadn't quite cracked it yet, until finally it all clicked into place.
I felt slightly anxious as I've been struggling with the JavaScript material, and felt as I wasn't coping with the pace. However, once I had figured it out it felt great.
I learnt again that by trying different things again and again that it gave me a better understanding of looping in JavaScript which I had really been struggling with. By making mistakes I could eliminate my misunderstanding and gain a new understanding of how it worked. I'm still not confident in my knowledge of JavaScript, but I am more confident in my ability to learn.