It looks good. If we are chasing our higher purpose rather than pleasure, then we will be passionate about what we do and derive pleasure from that, rather than chasing pleasure which is highly unsustainable.
One of my core values is kindness (however in my rambling I focussed on kindness towards other people, rather than toward myself.)
Relationships with friends and family are very important to me.
I also wrote down productivity and achievement. Success and achievement I see separately. To me, being productivity can be simply painting something. I am terrible at art, but the result of the painting session doesn't have to be succesful. It can be a terrible piece of art, but the action of doing it in the first place to me is productive so it feels good. In the same way that sitting down and playing guitar for half an hour is productive. I don't have to successfully learn a new song, but just doing the practice means I've achieved something.
I found it interesting. I feel as though the codeine I'm on from my surgery probably made it quite difficult to experience the exercise in the way I usually would. I had to do it twice because the first time I got carried away with a thought and then just ended up reminiscing about an old job for a long time before I remembered I was in the middle of an exercise. The second time I tried to do it without sitting with the feelings for as long as I usually would as my attention span is quite short right now. The second time through I felt as though I was able to feel the feelings as passing feelings rather than getting tied up in the emotions of it. I knew and understood how I would have felt at the time, but I was able to remove myself from it and let it pass.
I really enjoyed the quote “You have to be confused, upset, think you’re stupid. If you’re not willing to do that, you can’t go outside the box”. This came at a good time for me because at the moment I am feeling confused, upset and stupid at this point in the course so it's a good reminder that it's ok to feel this way, and it means I'm pushing myself outside of my comfort zone so I can achieve more.