Daily Mindfulness

Sprint 4.2

14 September 2018

  1. What did you learn from your 'mindfulness conversation'? How did the other person find it?
  2. I had the mindful conversation with my husband. I learnt that you can get much further down a path of thought when you are uninterrumpted that you normally would in a conversation, and explore the thought at a deeper level. My husband found it awkward to begin with, but as soon as he got on a roll, 4 minutes went by very fast and it was nice.

  3. Which of the three suggested techniques will you use to sustain your practice?
  4. I will practice walking meditation because it is something I can do multiple times a day and has the least barriers as I don't need to rely on others to practice it. It is also something that will begin to slowly and easily allow me to apply mindfulness to my day-to-day life in an unobtrusive way.

  5. Any other musings?
  6. I am also going to try to focus on my food when I am eating it. I never do this as I always either sit down with people to eat, or in fron tof the TV/with my phone/listening to a podcast, so it will be interesting to see if I enjoy the act of eating more (not that enjoying food more is something I particularly want to achieve as I already like food too much.)